Thursday, December 3, 2015

December Days

The sun is rising just above the horizon as a white sphere while thin clouds move past. The clouds fade away as the bright globe begins to glow with its powerful light. Soon it becomes too bright to look at and the light begins to fill the day with a warm glow. It is December and the trees are stripped bare of their leaves. The ground is brown again after the brief snows have melted away. The mown areas are still green. Our yard is decorated with drifts of corn leaves following a powerful wind that moved through shortly after the field was picked.

A warm front has moved in for the rest of the week and we will experience very mild temperatures for this month. Yesterday I had the rare treat of the return of the eagle to our yard. I noticed it hovering over head then watched as she gently settled down to the ground over a hill. I can only guess that the eagle spied something dead that the dog drug up. She spent five or ten minutes on the ground then gracefully lifted off and glided across the sky once again.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease" (Genesis 8:22 NIV).

It is a quiet time of year, suited for snow. There are no tractors operating in the fields or distant corn dryers running. The animals seem calm and happy as they seek green or grain to graze. Just manmade noises of traffic on the roads and trains on the tracks. Even the birds have quieted their chirping, reserving their voices for special moments of joy.

It is the season of hope and anticipation. A time to use those quiet days to seek the Lord and to invite Him into your heart so you can fully experience the glory of the Christmas season.

"By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me--a prayer to the God of my life" (Psalm 42:8 NIV).

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