Thursday, September 11, 2014

Martha's Scolding

There's nothing worse than a sink of dirty dishes to make a kitchen look messy. Thank goodness for dishwashers; we can hide those dirty things away and wash them whenever it is convenient.

I wonder if Martha had dirty dishes in her sink when Jesus came to visit (Luke 10:38-42 and John 11:17-45). Luke tells us that Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. Here she was trying to put together a meal for guests and her sister was off chatting with Christ. She had flour to grind and fish to catch and there was Mary listening to Jesus, offering no help at all. I would have been upset, too.

But wouldn't you know that Jesus took Mary's side and suggested that Martha's priorities were all wrong. Who would have thought the story would end like that? Bummer. Wrong again. Martha was trying to do the right thing, being hospitable and all but Jesus wasn't concerned about a meal. He wanted to spend time with his friends, sharing the good news and letting them know what to expect in the future. Martha and Mary both loved Jesus but Martha just let a few dirty dishes get in the way of what was really important.

How easily we are distracted from the right thing, even with automatic dishwashers. There is so much more valuable work we can do to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, yet those dirty dishes get in the way. Maybe it isn't dishes for you; maybe it is a television show or a golf game or a manicure that gets in your way. Jesus understands but he still wants us to get our priorities straight. Good thing to think about this week and every week.

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