Monday, March 7, 2016

Precious Time

"Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that" (James 4:13-15 NIV).

When I was a child it seemed like life was spent waiting. Now as a senior citizen it seems like life goes flying by while I try to catch up. February seemed like the shortest month even though it had 29 days this year. Children often ask, "Are we there yet?" or "Now?" as their perception of time is in slow motion. It seems the more years you have lived the faster the clock is moving. That may change again as a person is very aged; I'm not sure.

Life is made up of increments of time that hold meaning to us. In high school I couldn't wait to graduate and move on with life. I couldn't wait to get my braces off. I couldn't wait to be married to the love of my life - John. I've come to realize how important time really is. Especially other people's time. My sons and their families are in some of the busiest of times for them. They have schedules that make my mind spin. Busy, busy, busy.

I think of all the times that I have wasted; precious minutes reading magazines or sitting and looking out the window or looking at Facebook. And I'm ashamed. I look back at times when I wish I could relive and really treasure the moments, especially those baby years for both my boys and my grandchildren. They grew up so fast! Those times of holding precious infants seem to be gone in an instant and I still didn't get enough cuddle time.

I guess time goes fastest when you begin to realize your life is coming to an end. The reality of mortality seems to hit and you realize your days are numbered by God. I wonder what I need to accomplish in that unknown period of time. I ponder what is most important or what is frivolous? I reflect on the purpose of my life; what does God want me to do with the rest of my life?

Time is precious. Help me, O God, to use it wisely and for Your Glory. Amen.

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