Thursday, May 26, 2016

Settling In

Finally, my computer is back to normal! It's been three long weeks, with a move in between, since I wondered if I had lost all my data, including a few hundred photographs because of the upgrade I had done. It is with total relief and joy that I can see my data again - thank you God, Geek Squad, and the late Jack Moore (for setting up my time machine backup that did indeed save everything)! Backup is good; I highly recommend it.

Things at the new house are falling into place. We aren't quite to the point of "a place for everything and everything in its place" yet. But we are finding some new and creative ways of storing things. It is amazing how much of a routine we create in our daily lives. We find ourselves going to a certain place looking for something because it used to be somewhere else. There is a lot of opening doors and looking going on.

The Lord said, "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 28:12-13 NIV).

I am so thankful that God is always available to us when we seek Him. Even better than a backup of your data, God is always there for us through prayer. Even in times of extreme busyness, fear, frustrations, or physical illness, our God is waiting for us to call upon Him and ask for His guidance, grace, and forgiveness. He stands ready to answer our needs for love and mercy.

Lord, thank you for being there for me as we moved to a strange new land. Thank you that I cannot travel beyond your reach; I cannot hide away where you will not find me. Continue to be my pilot and travel planner, guiding each step I take. For You are with me always, Amen.

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