May your day be filled with red hearts, chocolate candy, fragrant roses, warm hugs and sweet kisses. May your heart sing out with joy for every blessing you encounter today, and may they be many.

One of the best ways to be blessed is by doing something special, maybe even unexpected, for someone else. The element of surprise is a wonderful heart-lifter. When Paige walked into the restaurant Sunday night with this bouquet of flowers and a box of mini muffins wrapped in a big pink bow for Grandpa, our hearts were blessed. The time spent catching up on her life and just soaking in her beautiful personality lifted us up with the greatest of joy and pride for the young woman she has become. We were touched that she wanted to spend the evening with her grandparents.
Time can be such a precious gift itself. Even pausing to express gratitude with a smile to a clerk in the store might change the way the day is going. Making a special visit to the nursing home or to a shut-in, or even making a phone call can warm a heart and rid the day of its loneliness. My hope for each of you today is that your heart is filled with joy and love that overflows into tomorrow.
"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations" (Psalm 67:1-2 NIV).
Bless your heart today.
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