Sunday, July 28, 2019

God's Grace Is All We Need

The area we are enjoying in North Carolina called River Landing on the outskirts of Wallace, was hit by the September 2018 hurricane. Many homes are still rebuilding from the flooding that occurred at that time. Some homes were left untouched while others in the lower lands were completely flooded on the first level. The storm surges from the ocean followed the rivers inland creating back-flows that were in addition to the 36 inch rains that were received.

It is hard to imagine the destruction that can occur. Just as a beautiful city hit by a tornado is so pristine one minute and a massive mess the next. Consider Marshalltown, hit by a huge tornado just over a year ago. Some of the city escaped the storm, while downtown is still in the process of rebuilding. Life is hard sometimes. Really hard and painful.

Jesus told Paul in a vision how to remain strong in the eye of temptations, the thorn in his side.

"But he [Jesus] said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness,"" (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV).

When we are challenged to the very root of our being by a hurricane, a tornado, a life-changing illness, or a heart-breaking end of a relationship, that is the point in our life we discover what God's grace is all about. He provides for us in countless ways by filling our lives with His power while we are still weak. No matter how hopeless we may feel God is strong and powerful and His grace will be all that we need.

Where are you standing today? Do you need the strong rope of God's saving grace to save you? Just call and He will answer.

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