The deck is stained. Complete and finished. The weather person said no rain for three days when we started. There is thunder to the east this morning. What can we do? Hold an umbrella over the deck? Hope the rain misses us this time? Watch it rain and hope it doesn't ruin the stain.
Not much choice in the matter. Sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to. We need the rain, too. There are a lot of hours of labor that went into that deck's staining and the preparation and clean up. All that was left was the drying.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him," (Colossians 3:17 NIV).
I'm hoping that the rain missed us this morning and gives us one more day of drying. But, I'm not in control. God is. I'm thankful He is in control of all things. His wisdom is great and wonderful. He is good. Perhaps the stain will be fine.
"For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him," (Colossians 1:16 NIV).
It is raining. Praise God for the lovely rain on the trees and the grass and the plants and flowers. Thank you God for the rain and the sun. I will praise you in all things. Even the rain on the freshly stained deck.
Writings by Gloria D. Stewart, sharing inspirational thoughts that may spark growth of the reader's faith or personal image. Life has been difficult for me so I hope to provide a glimmer of hope to others.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Monday, August 26, 2019
From the Beginning
Sometimes I feel like one of the misfit toys in Santa's workshop. The broken one that doesn't run right and disappoints the children when they see it. But I am reminded in Scripture that God has a purpose for me and each one He created. Even David struggled with fulfilling God's purpose for his life. But I must be like David and trust God to continue to mold me into the person He wants me to be...even at this age. God will work to achieve the purpose He has had in mind for me from the beginning.
"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands," (Psalm 138:8 NIV).
It seems like David is counting on God to not give up on him, or to stop working on him. Instead, David wants God to continue to work with His holy hands to make him into the person He intended David to be. David made mistakes in his life, but he always confessed his sins and asked for forgiveness. God used him as a great king in the family line of Jesus Christ.
I can use David and his example of having a heart for God. David loved God and he learned from his mistakes. David didn't repeat his sins, but accepted the consequences of them. David was listed among the faithful believers in Hebrews 11 and is recognized as one of God's trusted.
God's love is the same for each of us. God endures forever and will fulfill His purpose for each of us when we follow Him as believers. Thankfully, God won't abandon the works of His hands, even though I've made mistakes along the way, and even at my age.
"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands," (Psalm 138:8 NIV).
It seems like David is counting on God to not give up on him, or to stop working on him. Instead, David wants God to continue to work with His holy hands to make him into the person He intended David to be. David made mistakes in his life, but he always confessed his sins and asked for forgiveness. God used him as a great king in the family line of Jesus Christ.
I can use David and his example of having a heart for God. David loved God and he learned from his mistakes. David didn't repeat his sins, but accepted the consequences of them. David was listed among the faithful believers in Hebrews 11 and is recognized as one of God's trusted.
God's love is the same for each of us. God endures forever and will fulfill His purpose for each of us when we follow Him as believers. Thankfully, God won't abandon the works of His hands, even though I've made mistakes along the way, and even at my age.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
This week we have been preparing our deck for re-staining. It requires a major process of removal. Remove furniture - seven chairs and two tables. Remove two hummingbird feeders, one thermometer, a rain gauge, wind chimes, two wren houses, one bird nest, two wasp nests, and a significant number of angry returning wasps. That leaves one oversized deck storage box and the grill to be moved around at the time of staining.
But the biggest task was removing more than 100 black metal spindles and their necessary four screws each!
"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us," (Psalm 103:11-12 NIV).
These scripture verses remind me that Jesus Christ gave His life so my sins would be removed from God's sight and I can have a relationship with Him forever if I believe.
I consider all my sins and transgressions and I am overwhelmed by God's grace. It is far more impressive than the number of things we had to remove from our deck. God's grace is so bountiful that it removes every single sin, if only we believe and fear Him. What great love He bestows upon His children!
May you consider how great God's love is for you today. Consider the sins He has forgiven and removed from your life's record. Praise God for His wonderful grace!
But the biggest task was removing more than 100 black metal spindles and their necessary four screws each!
"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us," (Psalm 103:11-12 NIV).
These scripture verses remind me that Jesus Christ gave His life so my sins would be removed from God's sight and I can have a relationship with Him forever if I believe.
I consider all my sins and transgressions and I am overwhelmed by God's grace. It is far more impressive than the number of things we had to remove from our deck. God's grace is so bountiful that it removes every single sin, if only we believe and fear Him. What great love He bestows upon His children!
May you consider how great God's love is for you today. Consider the sins He has forgiven and removed from your life's record. Praise God for His wonderful grace!
Monday, August 19, 2019
Reflect Jesus
Monday morning. Another week is beginning. Why is August flying by so fast? School is starting. Routines are continuing. Life goes on.
Funny how fast time goes by when you get older. Every year seems to spin away into oblivion and all that is left is memories. Precious memories. Cherished moments with family and friends are the golden moments preserved in our minds.
Missed opportunities to share our faith disappear into the past and new moments come and go.
When will we use our time to tell others about Christ Jesus our Savior? How can we use a word to change the direction of one's day or life? Can we use kindness to alter someone's mood? Will a smile warm the heart of one who needs to know someone cares? Little things. Acts of kindness. Smiles. A loving hug. A thoughtful gesture. All can change the day for a lonely heart.
Consider how we can show the face of Jesus to others this week. Today. Make a difference in how someone feels by being the heart of Jesus to them. Be Jesus in their day. Notice the person on the side of the road. Feel the touch to the hem of your clothes. Hear the need in someone's voice. Show love to the lonely. Make a difference today for Jesus.
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose," (Philippians 2:1-2 NIV).
Lord, help me reflect Your face and show Your ways to others today. Amen.
Funny how fast time goes by when you get older. Every year seems to spin away into oblivion and all that is left is memories. Precious memories. Cherished moments with family and friends are the golden moments preserved in our minds.
Missed opportunities to share our faith disappear into the past and new moments come and go.
When will we use our time to tell others about Christ Jesus our Savior? How can we use a word to change the direction of one's day or life? Can we use kindness to alter someone's mood? Will a smile warm the heart of one who needs to know someone cares? Little things. Acts of kindness. Smiles. A loving hug. A thoughtful gesture. All can change the day for a lonely heart.
Consider how we can show the face of Jesus to others this week. Today. Make a difference in how someone feels by being the heart of Jesus to them. Be Jesus in their day. Notice the person on the side of the road. Feel the touch to the hem of your clothes. Hear the need in someone's voice. Show love to the lonely. Make a difference today for Jesus.
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose," (Philippians 2:1-2 NIV).
Lord, help me reflect Your face and show Your ways to others today. Amen.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Praying For Protection
This week I've had a lot of anxiety over my oldest grandson moving to California. I failed to put it in God's hands until today. Why is it I forget to pray sometimes, and instead worry, fret and fuss over feelings of concern and fear? Thank you God, for being patient with me.
Quite some time ago I found this prayer in scripture that seemed perfect to pray for my grandchildren. I pray for all my grandchildren to grow to know Jesus as their personal Savior and constant companion. I desire their understanding of my Lord Jesus Christ and for them to experience the freedom that comes from having His protection. Lord, hear my prayer.
"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe," (Ephesians 1:17-19 NIV).
I put my trust in God to watch over each of my grandchildren as they start a new school year and I ask that they may discover fully the wonders of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please Lord, keep them safe from the evils in this world and surround them with Your protection and with believers who can teach them Your ways and strengthen their faith. Show them Your pathway, illuminated by Your holy light. Lord, be their source of strength and make them aware of Your purpose for their lives. Give them direction, guided by Your purpose for them. May they know Your presence is with them, even when times are hard. Give them courage to walk in Your ways as they seek their path for life. Thank you, God, for watching over these precious children. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.
Quite some time ago I found this prayer in scripture that seemed perfect to pray for my grandchildren. I pray for all my grandchildren to grow to know Jesus as their personal Savior and constant companion. I desire their understanding of my Lord Jesus Christ and for them to experience the freedom that comes from having His protection. Lord, hear my prayer.
"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe," (Ephesians 1:17-19 NIV).
I put my trust in God to watch over each of my grandchildren as they start a new school year and I ask that they may discover fully the wonders of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please Lord, keep them safe from the evils in this world and surround them with Your protection and with believers who can teach them Your ways and strengthen their faith. Show them Your pathway, illuminated by Your holy light. Lord, be their source of strength and make them aware of Your purpose for their lives. Give them direction, guided by Your purpose for them. May they know Your presence is with them, even when times are hard. Give them courage to walk in Your ways as they seek their path for life. Thank you, God, for watching over these precious children. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.
Monday, August 12, 2019
State Fair Feelings
Yesterday we went to the Iowa State Fair with two of our grandchildren, Payton and Bailey. According to Payton's gizmo we walked five miles.
The day started early and ended early but was packed full of everything the girls wanted to see and do. We had so much fun and food. It started with the little warm donuts near the midway. It included a trip up the hill to the Pioneer Barn. We wanted to get a little crock for Laura in North Carolina. She missed being at the fair this year so we got her a little remembrance of it. We browsed the exhibits and I was surprised that there were entries of antiques and collectibles in dozens of categories. The girls saw things they weren't familiar with like a Floppy bank. Who is Floppy? Do you remember?
We came down the hill to view the chainsaw artist's masterpieces. Quite remarkable. Then viewed the one room school house and the telephone company. The girls thought the operator was real at first and then were in awe of the old phones that dialed or hung on the wall and were answered by everyone in the neighborhood.
We saw the barbershop and a general store and came to the soda fountain where we enjoyed phosphates: vanilla, green river, cherry and chocolate. We visited with a lady who has been working the state fair for more than 25 years with her sister. What a special tradition they have; I'm sure there are many more like theirs.
We wandered down the grand concourse and viewed the shoppers mart, and on to the conservation building to see the fish and the duck pond before heading to the varied industries building to escape the approaching rain. We made a stop at the Iowa State University exhibit and took in many others.
We also toured the horticulture building and saw the big pumpkin, the butter cow and friends and saw the butterflies in the FFA exhibit. We saw the Avenue of Breeds, the big boar and the big ram and wandered through the sheep barn feeling a little lost without our own Stewart pen this year. There didn't seem to be the same excitement as when we were showing. It was weigh-in day for the 4-Hers so there wasn't a show to watch. It was just strange and a little sad. Maybe a lot sad.
We had our favorite lemonade, corn dogs, and lamb burgers, and I got my usual salt water taffy fix. We enjoyed the sand pigs, and the hay chickens jumping on a trampoline. We rode the sky lift across the southern half of the fairgrounds and soaked up the sights, smells and sounds of the Iowa State Fair. We reflected on the years we have attended and considered what it has come to mean to us. It is history, fun, heritage and an Iowa tradition.
"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage," (Psalm 84:5 NIV).
The day started early and ended early but was packed full of everything the girls wanted to see and do. We had so much fun and food. It started with the little warm donuts near the midway. It included a trip up the hill to the Pioneer Barn. We wanted to get a little crock for Laura in North Carolina. She missed being at the fair this year so we got her a little remembrance of it. We browsed the exhibits and I was surprised that there were entries of antiques and collectibles in dozens of categories. The girls saw things they weren't familiar with like a Floppy bank. Who is Floppy? Do you remember?
We came down the hill to view the chainsaw artist's masterpieces. Quite remarkable. Then viewed the one room school house and the telephone company. The girls thought the operator was real at first and then were in awe of the old phones that dialed or hung on the wall and were answered by everyone in the neighborhood.
We saw the barbershop and a general store and came to the soda fountain where we enjoyed phosphates: vanilla, green river, cherry and chocolate. We visited with a lady who has been working the state fair for more than 25 years with her sister. What a special tradition they have; I'm sure there are many more like theirs.
We wandered down the grand concourse and viewed the shoppers mart, and on to the conservation building to see the fish and the duck pond before heading to the varied industries building to escape the approaching rain. We made a stop at the Iowa State University exhibit and took in many others.

We had our favorite lemonade, corn dogs, and lamb burgers, and I got my usual salt water taffy fix. We enjoyed the sand pigs, and the hay chickens jumping on a trampoline. We rode the sky lift across the southern half of the fairgrounds and soaked up the sights, smells and sounds of the Iowa State Fair. We reflected on the years we have attended and considered what it has come to mean to us. It is history, fun, heritage and an Iowa tradition.
"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage," (Psalm 84:5 NIV).
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Sunporch Feelings
When we recently visited our son and his family in North Carolina I adopted a room that I loved. If I could bring it home with me I would; I loved it so much. The sunporch or screened in back porch, lanai or enclosed veranda, (call it whatever you wish) was a wonderful room. The patio flooring was the base for a wicker sofa and chair and an end table.
The walls were mostly windows protecting the area from rain or strong winds, while preserving the view over a pond and quiet green space. The area is framed by gorgeous trees: large pines mixed with some deciduous trees providing shade and shelter. The spot is frequented by a white heron usually in the morning and evening, looking for some fish for lunch.
"Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield," (Psalm 84:10-11a NIV).
The sunporch became my sanctuary for quiet moments with God and for reading. I was enthralled by the beauty around me and I rested in it worshipfully.
Thank you God for sunporch feelings, surrounded by Your glory in nature. Thank you for being my sun and my shield. Amen.

"Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield," (Psalm 84:10-11a NIV).
The sunporch became my sanctuary for quiet moments with God and for reading. I was enthralled by the beauty around me and I rested in it worshipfully.
Thank you God for sunporch feelings, surrounded by Your glory in nature. Thank you for being my sun and my shield. Amen.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Soar on the Wings of the Wind
There was nothing more delightful on a hot summer day than to hop on a bicycle and ride. As a farm kid, it was one form of entertainment when there were no playmates. I'd get on my used green bike and ride down our long lane. There was no competition for space; I was the only one there. There was always a cool breeze blowing through my hair and I could feel the temperature change as I rode through the valleys alongside the cornfield. The shade of the barn and corn cribs offered more coolness. My hair flapped behind me and sometimes my dog would chase me, nipping at my back tire. I felt free. I could speed. I was happy. I could soar on the wings of the wind.
I often wish I could ride away like I did as a child and feel the coolness on my face. I no longer have a bike or a long lane where I could meander through the fresh air. I would no longer appear graceful on a bike after this many years. And a fall would result in more than just a scraped knee, I fear.
That feeling of freedom comes also from swinging. Have you gone for a swing on those long, chained swings and just let yourself go? I did that this spring with my grandchildren at the Jester Park playground. It was such fun to pump the swing up high and feel the breeze blow your hair back and forth, stretching your legs out and back, to go higher and higher! It was such fun!
Sometimes we need to experience childhood as an adult. Whether it is teaching a preschool Sunday school class, or babysitting some preschoolers, or just observing children in a grocery store, allow yourself to travel back in time and remember some of your favorite things to do and relive it, just for fun. Color a picture. Have a picnic. Swing on a swing. Ride a bike. Have a tea party. Enjoy life!
"He soared on the wings of the wind," (Psalm 18:10b NIV).
Experience something of your youth again today, rejoice, and soar!
I often wish I could ride away like I did as a child and feel the coolness on my face. I no longer have a bike or a long lane where I could meander through the fresh air. I would no longer appear graceful on a bike after this many years. And a fall would result in more than just a scraped knee, I fear.
That feeling of freedom comes also from swinging. Have you gone for a swing on those long, chained swings and just let yourself go? I did that this spring with my grandchildren at the Jester Park playground. It was such fun to pump the swing up high and feel the breeze blow your hair back and forth, stretching your legs out and back, to go higher and higher! It was such fun!
Sometimes we need to experience childhood as an adult. Whether it is teaching a preschool Sunday school class, or babysitting some preschoolers, or just observing children in a grocery store, allow yourself to travel back in time and remember some of your favorite things to do and relive it, just for fun. Color a picture. Have a picnic. Swing on a swing. Ride a bike. Have a tea party. Enjoy life!
"He soared on the wings of the wind," (Psalm 18:10b NIV).
Experience something of your youth again today, rejoice, and soar!
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Doing Good Works
Last year I begged my husband to add a railing to our front steps. I was worried about my friends coming and not having a railing to help them up the steps. So he got the materials and spent a day planning and a day putting the railing on. It was difficult and the materials didn't always cooperate with the concrete steps. But, finally he completed the task and was satisfied with his work.
It has been more than a year and only one person has used the railing besides me. John hassles me about it occasionally. He spent all that time and hard work and no one has used it! I'm still glad we have it because I need it and we are getting older.
It is funny how we do good things and no one notices but God. That is Who matters.
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do," (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).
What good works are in store for us to do today?
God, show us what we should do and guide our steps and our hands as we fulfill Your plan for this day. Amen.
It has been more than a year and only one person has used the railing besides me. John hassles me about it occasionally. He spent all that time and hard work and no one has used it! I'm still glad we have it because I need it and we are getting older.
It is funny how we do good things and no one notices but God. That is Who matters.
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do," (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).
What good works are in store for us to do today?
God, show us what we should do and guide our steps and our hands as we fulfill Your plan for this day. Amen.
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