When we recently visited our son and his family in North Carolina I adopted a room that I loved. If I could bring it home with me I would; I loved it so much. The sunporch or screened in back porch, lanai or enclosed veranda, (call it whatever you wish) was a wonderful room. The patio flooring was the base for a wicker sofa and chair and an end table.

The walls were mostly windows protecting the area from rain or strong winds, while preserving the view over a pond and quiet green space. The area is framed by gorgeous trees: large pines mixed with some deciduous trees providing shade and shelter. The spot is frequented by a white heron usually in the morning and evening, looking for some fish for lunch.
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield," (Psalm 84:10-11a NIV).
The sunporch became my sanctuary for quiet moments with God and for reading. I was enthralled by the beauty around me and I rested in it worshipfully.
Thank you God for sunporch feelings, surrounded by Your glory in nature. Thank you for being my sun and my shield. Amen.
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