Thus begins a season brought forth by signs. Heavenly signs. Signs predicted centuries ago but remembered as important. Signs that reveal the Christmas story: the story of Jesus Christ our Savior coming to earth.
What a blessing signs are. A rainbow. A star. A nativity. An octagon in red. A stable. A manger. Baby Jesus. A wreath on the front door. A turning signal blinking. White lights on the back of a vehicle. A hand held up. There are many others, all meaning something unique.

When the neighbors have their house lighting installed in October it doesn't matter that Halloween or Thanksgiving are still coming, that house is ready for Christmas. Others see the sign but wait until after Thanksgiving to turn on their own. I wouldn't mind if folks left their lights up all year round, if it was for the right reason. If they were representing the birth of Jesus Christ. I remember when we had many more servicemen and servicewomen deployed over seas there would be some who would leave their Christmas tree up until the serviceperson returned home.
As we move through the Advent season let's keep our eyes and ears open for signs of the coming Christ Child. Feel the excitement of discovery when you see a sign. Let it change your attitude and bring you joy.
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel," (Isaiah 7:14 NIV).
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