Monday, June 1, 2020

Welcome, June

Welcome to June. It's almost summer. It's time for vacations, summer camps, swimming, reunions and picnics. Well, maybe. We still need to wear masks and remain six feet apart. It appears the COVID-19 pandemic rules are falling apart; so many mass gatherings have happened; protests for the death of a man by a police officer in Minneapolis. Some people may have hoped to hold a peaceful rally, but just a few riled up the crowd and turned them into a mass of mob mentality, causing damage to property, stealing property, vandalizing property, trashing property, starting fires. I don't understand.

God understands.

I wish June could arrive on a peaceful note, one of calm and quiet, so we could hear the birds chirping happily or the children playing joyfully. I wish life could return to normal where we could gather as friends or extended family. When we could attend church safely, and hug friends we care about. Who knows what these mass gatherings will do to the COVID-19 numbers in the future days.

God knows.

"I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me, Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken," (Psalm 16:7-8 NIV).

God is!

No matter what is going on in your life, God is there for you. Maybe we need to turn off the news and contemplate our own lives without worry over what is happening "out there". Turn our focus back to God and His plan for our future.

Thank you God for this new day and new month. May I keep my focus on Jesus. Guide me through the turmoil and ease my fears. May I praise you every day. Amen.

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