Monday, October 19, 2020

Tell It To Your Children

"Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation," (Joel 1:3). 

When I came upon this scripture verse this morning it reminded me that as a grandparent I have a responsibility to my grandchildren. I need to make sure that they know the history of faith in our family so they can carry it on to future children and grandchildren. They need to know about my personal path to faith and my husband John's story, too.

My grandchildren need to know about my ancestors who came to Iowa from Indiana and settled along the Iowa river in Marshall County. They met with neighbors on Sunday mornings to worship together until they decided to establish the first church in Marshall County, Bethel Grove Church. It is the church family I grew up in and both my parents grew up in it and met and got married.

My grandchildren need to know how I grew up in a Bible-studying church where I professed my faith when I was 12 years old. But that was just the beginning. I studied in youth group and church camps. Then as a young adult I was asked to join a local group of women studying Friendship Bible Coffee materials. Based on mostly books of the Bible, I learned so much from the weekly fellowship with the faith-filled women, their experiences and how they held on to their faith no matter what happened in their lives.

I still meet with a group of those ladies to study scripture monthly. They are my prayer warriors, lifting me up in the low times and rejoicing with me in the good times.

Faith grows. God's not done with me, yet. I continue to study my Bible and learn through hearing the Word at worship and sharing my faith with those I've come to love through fellowship gatherings and group study. 

I need to tell this all to my children and grandchildren. 

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