Thursday, September 14, 2023


Looking back through my life, I have seen a lot of things change. Just last week gas prices jumped up 40 cents! But that is a weekly change that we have almost gotten used to. Just typing this blog on a computer reminds me of the days before computers. How did we ever get along without texting on our phones or using email? There were phones; big heavy telephones that sat on a desk or hung on the kitchen wall.

Do you remember the days when the gas station experience was completely different? You would pull up to the pump and a fellow would come running out and ask what you needed and proceed to pump your gas and clean off your windshield and maybe even check your oil. In the early 70s gas was in the range of 40 cents a gallon to 65 cents a gallon.

The grocery store was different, too. There was personal service at the checkout line. Bread was 25 cents a loaf! Milk was $1.50 a gallon. Groceries were bagged for you and carried to you car. Thank you, Fareway for maintaining those services! There were no self serve checkout lines.

"I the Lord do not change," (Malachi 3:6a NIV).

Thank you, God, for being the same for us. You see us and know us and all our sins, yet, You still love us as we are. Thank You for sending Your Son to live with us and to die for us and be raised again in three days. Thank you for the forgiveness Jesus gives us. Amen.

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