When I was growing up in the church one of the first songs I learned was the "Doxology". It was sung every Sunday after the offering plates were passed and presented. This was before the time of contemporary worship; services were uniform and traditional. Repetition is a great way to learn and it has been said that the "Doxology" has done more to teach the doctrine of the Trinity than all the theology books ever written.
Praising God is necessary as we maintain an attitude of thanksgiving this month, especially. The "Doxology" was written by Thomas Ken in 1709. The music was called "Old Hundredth" tune. Ken was an outspoken Anglican bishop whom King Charles II appointed as one of his chaplains. An historian said, "He came as near to the ideal of Christian perfection as human weakness permits".
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord," (Psalm 150:6 NIV)
The "Doxology" words will have many of you singing instead of just reading, and like me you probably won't need the words to follow.
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen."
Dear Father, we lift our hands in praise to You as we begin a new day. Thank you for all the blessings You present to us daily. Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear the things around us that You have given. You are so good to us!
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