Thursday, October 4, 2018

Zacchaeus Is Saved

I love the story of Zacchaeus. Do you remember the song from Sunday School? I think that's why it is such a beloved story; I sang it so many times as a child. If only I could put all the stories of the Bible to memory as I did this song.
"Zacchaeus was a wee little man

And a wee little man was he  He climbed up in a sycamore tree  For the Lord he wanted to see
And when the Savior passed that way  He looked up in the tree  And said, 'Zacchaeus, you come down!  For I'm going to your house today!  For I'm going to your house today!'"

I am not a memorizer...I fail miserably at trying to memorize verses or anything else. My brain just doesn't work well or I just don't work hard enough at it. As I get older I see more clearly the benefit of putting scripture to memory. I want to be able to recall a verse when I need it. That's what I love about music, it helps you remember the words. 

Back to Zacchaeus. The song draws a picture of this tiny little man in a sycamore tree. Scripture says he's a tax collector for the Roman government - the chief tax collector. He is wealthy, so let's add bulging money bags to the picture, along with quality clothing, as well. Most likely he was despised by the common people because the Jews felt the tax collectors were traitors.  So he is a loner. But, he also wants to see this Jesus who was causing such a stir in town.

Jesus approaches and sees Zacchaeus in the tree. Jesus knows his name! Jesus spoke to him! Wow, what a great moment for this lonely little man. Jesus immediately tells Zacchaeus that He is going to stay at his house. The common Jews were appalled that Jesus would go to the house of a 'sinner' to stay!

But, that is who Jesus wants to preach to, those who need His salvation. As Christians, we, too, need to seek out the Zacchaeus'es who are searching for answers to their empty lives. We need to be the ones to show the Savior, Jesus Christ, to them. It is our job to tell them Jesus knows their names, and that He is calling them to come to Him.

"But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount." Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost,"" (Luke 19:8-10 NIV).

Yes, even we, the sinners, can be saved by Jesus Christ. Amen!

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