Thursday, August 24, 2023

School Days

The big yellow buses are rolling again, even in this heat. Children are lined up at their designated point, waiting for their ride to school. Everyone with a backpack loaded with new pencils and crayons. They went through the checklist provided by their teacher. There is an air of excitement; today is a new day in a new grade with a new teacher. 

In my school days the big yellow buses rumbled down the gravel roads, stirring up clouds of dust that hung in the air for miles. Somehow I ended up near the beginning of the bus route nearly every year. That meant riding the bus for a long time as the driver stopped to pick up a load of children along miles of gravel roads and some highway locations.

I remember having butterflies in my stomach on the first day of each year. I had to find a new room, meet a new teacher, start a new way of doing things in a new schedule. But all was better as my friends boarded the bus. It seems like there were teachers and administrators waiting at the school to welcome us off the bus and give us directions. It wasn't so bad after all.

I don't remember being released early because of the heat, though it might have happened. I just remember windows in classrooms being wide open and teachers bringing in fans from home. So long ago, so much has changed.

I say a special prayer for teachers today and thank them for accepting the challenge of helping the youngsters learn and grow. What a big job they have. 

Thank you, Lord, for teachers and the important job they have. Bless them today with strength and patience and blanket our schools with Your protection. Amen.

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