Monday, July 13, 2015

Life's Journey

"These were his instructions: Take nothing for the journey except a staff--no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra tunic" (Mark 6:8-9 NIV).

Jesus' instructions for his disciples were clear and concise. Take nothing with you. They were to be the tool that was used and nothing else would be needed. I should remember this myself, as one of Jesus' followers. God will use me no matter where the journey leads.

Sometimes I wonder about my life journey, where it has taken me, what I have done, how I have touched others' lives. I feel so unworthy of this life and feel I have let God down in many ways. I reflected on my journey a lot this past week as I hit a milestone birthday. This one ended in a zero, again.

But if Jesus was also speaking to us as he talked to his disciples, He also meant that God had given them all that they would need. God would provide for them. My life journey has been laden with challenges and low times, yet God has seen me through them all. I ultimately had what I needed, mostly I had God. It has taken all these decades to truly understand that God is really all I need.

Perhaps the rest of my journey will be uneventful and calm. Or maybe it will be complicated and challenging. Either way I'm glad I can be an instrument that God will use. I want to be a willing participant in whatever He has planned.

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