Monday, July 22, 2019

He Answers My Call

I will bow down toward your holy temple and I will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted," (Psalm 138:2-3 NIV).

Praise the Lord! How blessed we are to have Your love and faithfulness. We praise You for the blessing of Your Holy Name and Your Word. We praise You for answering our cries and making us bold and stouthearted!

When do you need to feel bold and stouthearted? I'm not sure about you but I can think of several situations when being strong, outspoken and tough might be very helpful. I think of times if I was  bullied by a coworker,  a fellow student, or another sport fan. Or if I was persecuted for being a Christian. Or if I needed to speak out for a cause. Yes, occasionally being bold and stouthearted makes situations easier to handle.

I can also remember times when I could have called upon the Lord and received His strength and stoutheartedness, but I didn't. I didn't think to ask God for help; I tried to get through the situation on my own. Although I haven't always sought God's help when I should have, it is comforting to know He will always be there for me when I remember to reach out for His hand.

Praise the Lord for a new day, new opportunities that present themselves; times to be bold in my faith. Thank you, God. Thank you for answering my cries for help. Remind me I can turn to you anytime I need You. Amen.

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