Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thankful for God's Protection

Thank you, God for Your Protection.

A few years back I was afraid to drive on the freeway or interstate. I was used to mild country roads so the presence of a crowd of cars around me was intimidating if not fear provoking. So when forced to drive on these roads I would always pray over the steering wheel before I started out, "Please God protect all those around me from my driving mistakes. Make me aware of what I need to see and keep me alert. Keep everyone around me safe."

I know God protected me many times on those driving trips but one of the first especially sticks out. I had just taken an entrance ramp to the freeway when I realized there was no where to go. It was rush hour in Des Moines and this inexperienced driver was in the midst of it. It appeared that traffic was flying by and no one was letting me in. All I could do was keep driving in the on-ramp lane and soon it became an off-ramp lane and I was leaving the freeway. (Much to my relief). I continued to a stop sign where I saw it was a familiar road we had driven many times. I knew my way out of Des Moines. Many would say this was a coincidence but to me it was all God.

There have been many more situations where I know God was there in the driver's seat with me. He has alerted me to blind spot traffic and gotten me over black ice safely. God is so good.

"Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound. I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety," (Psalm 4:6-8 NIV).

Or enjoy the modern version:

"Why is everyone hungry for more? "More, more," they say. "More, more." I have God's more-than-enough. More joy in one ordinary day Than they get in all their shopping sprees, At days end I'm ready for sound sleep, For you, God, have put my life back together," (Psalm 4:6-8 MSG).

Praise be to our God for His protection. Amen.

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