Monday, July 12, 2021


Good morning. The sun is peeking through, bringing hope for another wonderful summer day. The birds are quiet this morning as dawn breaks forth. The fields of corn and soybeans are growing tall, lush and green, appreciative of the rain we have received. "Summertime and the living is easy..." I'm not sure that is true of farming communities. There is hay to make, gardens to tend to, lawns to mow, weeds to spray, beans to walk and corn to detassel.

After experiencing our grandchildren's summer briefly, I think many of today's children are as busy as working parents with swimming lessons, play dates, camps, chores, golf and tennis lessons and walking dogs. They are learning a lot of life skills. I am amazed at how our daughter-in-law keeps up with the schedule and running non-stop through out her day. 

Summertime was different for me on the farm when I was growing up. I lived in the country without neighbors to play with. My sister was older so she helped my mother or had a job. I spent my days playing outside in the shed or barn, or out along the creek where I invented rock houses and play areas. I spent hours exploring our farm acres, having a wonderful time.

I had swimming lessons and church camp and 4-H projects to complete in time for the fair. It made running for my mother that I know she didn't like. Because she had so much gardening and canning to do. She spent hours out there weeding and picking and I was expected to help. I'd be given a bowl and sent to pick wild black raspberries located around the barnyard. Then there were tomatoes to pick and beans and peas, potatoes to dig and flowers to pick and enjoy. Each day was a new adventure.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease," (Genesis 8:22 NIV).

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