Thursday, July 1, 2021

What's Real and True?

On Mother's Day 2020, my son Brent gave me a beautiful potted plant that included several small house plants and some pretty white artificial flowers. It grew well for a year and I realized the eight-inch pot wasn't going to work for the larger plants. So one sunny day I took the pot outside and found two other pots so I could transplant them into their own containers.  

I enjoyed getting my hands dirty as I divided the plants and repotted them. After I got them separated I brought them back in the house and found places for the three pots. Now, several weeks later I got to looking the plants over, looking for signs of distress but the only plant that showed any was the peace lily.
So, I got to wondering if some of the other plants were actually plastic because they showed no sign of shock. 

I can't tell if they are growing yet, either. So do you suppose I replanted plastic plants? I wonder. Surely I would have noticed if they didn't have any roots, don't you think? But then what would hold the plastic plants in the soil? Plastic roots?

Well, I guess only time will tell if my plants are real or not. The one pictured has two plants and I can't tell if they are real or plastic.

"We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true--even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life," (1 John 5:20 NIV).

At least I know that God is real and true, even if I can't tell if my plants are real.

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