Thursday, March 10, 2022

Spring Ahead

Iowa has been experiencing mixed up weather. In the past week we had a 60 degree day, a night of tornados, snowfall and 20 degrees. Someone is confused - me. It's hard to know how to dress but since I'm always cold I just keep wearing my coat and gloves. A weather person said March 1 is the meteorologist's spring. This March is just proving him wrong.

I don't really mind that it is still snowing because it doesn't seem like we had that much snow this winter. I like snow for it's beauty. It creates a perfect picture of beauty, coating the world with sparkling white. I know I won't convince anyone to like snow but I'll stand in my little corner and hold up my "snow" sign anyway. I'm disappointed that today's forecast snow is going south of us.

But then comes another spring event...the changing of the clocks to Daylight Savings Time. It happens this Saturday night. It jumped up on me this year. We lose an hour of sleep and gain sunlight at the end of the day. I never like the changing of the clocks. For one, it is a hassle to run around and change the time on all the clocks. We have a lot of clocks. Only one changes itself. For two, I always feel tired for a day or two after. It may be all in my head but that figures.

Fortunately, God is the same no matter what the weather, no matter what time the clock says it is.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever," (Hebrews 13:8 NIV).

May you rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus/God is always the same. 

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