Monday, December 11, 2023

Christmas Trees

Poinsettia Tree at Mayo 2023
Perhaps the most common symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree. It can come in many shapes and sizes, live or artificial, and any color under the sun. There were shiny aluminum trees that reflected colorful lights that were popular when I was growing up. 

We always had a real tree that had been cut down when I was growing up. Dad would pick one out at the grocery store or he would trudge out through our pastures to find a tree that was the right size. They were usually cedar trees that popped up randomly along the fence line. Sometimes Mom would spray it green or white but usually it was in its natural state and only a couple of weeks before Christmas so it didn't dry out too much. It seemed like it was always a struggle getting the tree stand to fit the tree. After lights and bulbs, the final touch on our tree was silver tinsel.

"The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire," (Matthew 3:10 NIV).

John the Baptist said these words to remind the people to live productive lives for God; not just say they are a believer, but actively live obediently for God.

Lord God, guide us through this Christmas season and use Christmas trees to remind us of Your Son's birth and lying in a lowly manger, to His sacrifice on the wooden cross, to His resurrection three days later. Thank you, God, for sending Your Son to save us. Amen.

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