Monday, January 5, 2015

A Storm is Coming

There is a snow storm coming to Iowa tonight and already we can tell something is about to happen. The sky was red this morning. There is a saying something like, "Red sky at morning, sailor take warning." It is calm as it often is before a storm. The clouds are moving in. The animals are jumping around, butting heads and being rambunctious. All signs that something is about to take place.

I love storms and get excited about them coming. I love to be snowed it. Even now when it only means I can stay at home, again. I used to enjoy getting a snow-day from school and work. I liked being able to stay home with nothing I had to do. I'd make it a day for cooking or baking, a bonus day to do something I enjoy. When in reality that's what every day should be like.

An approaching snow storm is like life sometimes, too. In life we have times when there is a storm coming - some challenge that we may not be ready for. How do we prepare? By prayerfully keeping God as our constant companion, by making sure our personal relationship with God is tight and right! We never know what the next day will bring. When we might suffer a loss or begin to fight an illness. Life is a hilly road leading us to God. There are mountain tops and valleys. There are good and bad days, easy and hard days, but if God is at your side, first place in your heart and mind, any day is manageable.

"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:17-18 NIV).

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