Monday, June 25, 2018

Building a Foundation With Vacation Bible School

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him," (Colossians 3:17 NIV).

This week is Vacation Bible School at our church and many others, so my prayers have included those working to make the week impressive on all the children involved. I can't help but think back on the VBS's I've worked on in the past. I don't know when the idea of VBS came about but what a wonderful plan God placed in the minds of those creative geniuses.

My memory is terrible but I do remember the joy of gathering with other kids, learning Bible stories, singing story-songs, creating pictures and crafts, and feeling loved and cared about by the wonderful teachers who touched my days. I remember Kool-aid and cookies and running around outside, playing games and laughing. I remember the excitement of sharing what I learned and what I did with my family. The stories and basics of faith created the foundation that stayed with me for life. That is important work.

Thank you, dear teachers, for taking time to plan and study and pray for the children. Thank you teachers, for sharing God's Word and giving the gift of kindness and love to your students.

I was a helper for many years after I got too old to attend. I remember teaching my first VBS class when I was in high school. It was in the basement of the church that is now gone. My class was right outside the kitchen in an area partitioned off by moveable panels. I can't remember the children or even their ages. I was scared and I remember working on lessons and crafts for many days before VBS started. I felt good about it when the week was over.

I remember teaching VBS with the Albion churches one year, and another year I taught VBS in Clemons so our boys could be involved and attend. I wonder if I made a difference in the lives of any of the children. Do they remember the stories they learned? I pray that something triggers a VBS memory in everyone who attended VBS as a child. If they have drifted away from their faith, call them home, Jesus.

May each child involved in VBS this summer grow in faith and understanding of who Jesus is and what He did for each of them. Thank you, teachers and volunteers, everywhere.

Lord, thank you for teachers and helpers. Give them patience, energy, excitement for sharing God's Word, and Your love to bless each child in Vacation Bible School this summer. Spark a memory in those who attended VBS in their lifetimes. May it bless them today, and may they remember You always. Amen.

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