Thursday, March 28, 2019

A Spiritual Act of Worship

I love water aerobics. It is the one physical routine that I stick to through the cold winter and the sunny summer days. I don't have to talk myself into it most days. I even fill my bag with my towel, shoes and swimsuit as soon as I take the wet ones out so I'm ready to go the next day. I try to schedule appointments around my Aquafit classes. I attend at least five times a week, usually six because it makes me feel good.

You don't have to be a good swimmer, but you can be. You don't have to get your hair wet, unless you stand beside me. You don't have to have the latest and greatest swimming suit; the chlorine will fade it anyway. You don't have to know anyone else; you will leave with a friend. You don't have to be physically fit; you will get closer every class you take.

When I started water aerobics classes back in the West Marshall High School pool one or two evenings a week, I didn't know what to do but I learned. The classes were only offered three or four months of the year. When we found a place in Ankeny, I was delighted that classes were offered every day.

My back and hip pain is much better when I exercise in the water. The exercises increase my range of motion; they make me move parts I don't use very often in daily life, and they help improve my balance, my endurance, and especially my spirits.

"Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship," (Romans 12:1 NIV).

Although the reason each participant comes is different, we all share the benefits. Nearly everyone leaves the pool with a smile on his or her face. Isn't that a sign of a spiritual act of worship?

Perhaps you have a different way you use your body in a holy and pleasing way. Maybe it is walking daily, or working out in the gym, lifting weights, or keeping up with small children. Whatever it is, let's make it a spiritual act of worship by glorifying God in all that we do.

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