Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spring, At Last

Fortunately the weather in Iowa this week matches the season. Happy spring! The temperatures are warmer, the sun is brighter, and the full moon's power filled the sky last night and still this morning.
The excitement for planting is only dampened by the flood waters and mud left by the melted snow.

Though I expect there will be some 'wintery' days ahead before we can truly pack away our winter clothes, the thrill of a warmer season isn't lost. For those of us who winter in Iowa, it is good riddance to winter this year. It feels so good to have fresh air in your face instead of a brittle cold slap. I even felt inspired to clean house and I'm thinking of a good spring cleaning in future days! Amazing what fresh air can do.

Although spring is just a day on the calendar, it is also an attitude. One of enlightenment and joy. A time of anticipation, appreciation, and ambition.

I'm anticipating Easter by reading through the Scriptures telling of Jesus' life and days before his crucifixion, leading up to His resurrection. I'm anticipating flowers popping through the ground, blooms appearing on trees, and the hope of springtime activities. What are you anticipating?

I'm appreciating the sacrifice Jesus made for my salvation as I reread His life story. I'm so thankful that Jesus died for my sins so I can plan for an eternal life with Him in my heavenly home. I'm happy that I can have a relationship with my Heavenly Father each day. I'm appreciating the warmth, the hope, and the joy of this spring season.

I'm excited with new ambition and energy that comes this time of year. The chance to open windows and smell the fragrance of grass and flowers is inspiring. The sound of birds chirping blesses me. The desire to make all things fresh and new for spring is a blessing after weeks of dreary, gray days when I had no energy at all.

Let us rejoice in our Savior's plan fulfilled! And if you live on rural roads this spring, the following Scripture verses will have special meaning to you.

"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord," (Psalm 40:1-4 NIV).


May God bless you today with the sights, sounds, and smells of spring.

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