Monday, June 24, 2019

Sharing the Mystery of God

This week is Vacation Bible School at Lakeside Fellowship in Polk City. We have been totally amazed at the work of our church to spread the news of Jesus to the Polk City community. The past few years have yielded more than 300 children. Many are unchurched and come to know about Jesus for the first time! It takes nearly 150 workers to make the five days happen, working and preparing for weeks ahead.

This week's and the countless others held at churches throughout the land this summer are outreach opportunities to spread the Good News.

The writer, Paul, may be known for his long sentences in Scripture, however equally, he should be known for his powerful encouragement of believers. He was a religious martyr for Christ. The message of Christ Jesus, our Savior, bubbled from his mouth, or through his pen. He taught the guards outside the prison and other prisoners. He wrote letters to churches. He used every opportunity he had to profess the Good News.

Paul wrote to the church of Colosse because he had heard people there were mixing the teachings of Jesus with worldly teachings and he wanted to correct them. The leaders of the church needed to be reminded to teach the true Word of God, correct those who were wrong, and unite the church in the love of Christ.

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ," (Colossians 2:2 NIV).

I'm so thankful for all the VBS weeks held this summer. I remember helping with many VBS weeks starting when I was a teenager, through years of being a parent. I loved the music, the lesson times, the crafts, the game times, and the snack times. I remember helping shy children feel involved and watching the faces of children as they delighted in the stories of Jesus.

That's what it is all about for Christians: sharing the Good News with others. May we always remember to use the open doors that present themselves to us. May we share that wonderful mystery of God with others every day.

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