Monday, August 5, 2019

Soar on the Wings of the Wind

There was nothing more delightful on a hot summer day than to hop on a bicycle and ride. As a farm kid, it was one form of entertainment when there were no playmates. I'd get on my used green bike and ride down our long lane. There was no competition for space; I was the only one there. There was always a cool breeze blowing through my hair and I could feel the temperature change as I rode through the valleys alongside the cornfield. The shade of the barn and corn cribs offered more coolness. My hair flapped behind me and sometimes my dog would chase me, nipping at my back tire. I felt free. I could speed. I was happy. I could soar on the wings of the wind.

I often wish I could ride away like I did as a child and feel the coolness on my face. I no longer have a bike or a long lane where I could meander through the fresh air. I would no longer appear graceful on a bike after this many years. And a fall would result in more than just a scraped knee, I fear.

That feeling of freedom comes also from swinging. Have you gone for a swing on those long, chained swings and just let yourself go? I did that this spring with my grandchildren at the Jester Park playground. It was such fun to pump the swing up high and feel the breeze blow your hair back and forth, stretching your legs out and back, to go higher and higher! It was such fun!

Sometimes we need to experience childhood as an adult. Whether it is teaching a preschool Sunday school class, or babysitting some preschoolers, or just observing children in a grocery store, allow yourself to travel back in time and remember some of your favorite things to do and relive it, just for fun. Color a picture. Have a picnic. Swing on a swing. Ride a bike. Have a tea party. Enjoy life!

"He soared on the wings of the wind," (Psalm 18:10b NIV).

Experience something of your youth again today, rejoice, and soar!

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