Thursday, January 16, 2020


Things in life are bound to change. But I don't have to like it, do I? Oh, I know in time I will adjust to the new normal, whatever it is. Life will go on and eventually I will settle in to a new routine and the past will only be remembered fondly.

But what about my people; my dear friends that I look forward to seeing every day? The familiar faces that appear each day and greet me with a smile. Some, I don't even know their name but they are people I care about. I miss them when they are gone. We share a common goal, a purpose, a reason for being there. Like church, or school, or work. We all show up when we can and together we share a moment, create a memory, enjoy being together.

For me this change is my gym closing the building that houses the pool and the walking track. I loved the instructors of my Aqua Fit classes, the good people there and the exercise. Especially the exercise in the water that keeps my bad back and hips moving with less pain. I need the movement and the resistance the water gives.

So, I must find a new place to go. We have been researching the options, especially those close to us and at some point we will move on. Right now I am moping and hanging my head, and dragging my feet.

I'm so thankful God never changes. He is the One constant in my life Who will never change. He promises to be the same God no matter what else is changing in my life. That is wonderful! Worthy of praise and rejoicing!

""I the Lord do not change"", (Malachi 3:6 NIV).

God is constantly God. Amen.

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