Thursday, March 12, 2020

Creation Continues

I have a mug placemat that I've been using for more than a decade. It is made of a tube of fabric filled with sand then coiled around itself. And hot glued into a circle. It was made to absorb some of the heat, keeping my cup warm longer. It sits next to my computer and most of the day it holds one of my mugs. Someone was smart to think of such a thing to make.

All around me I am amazed by things someone invented. The printing press made it possible for us to hold a book in our hands while we read. Johannes Gutenberg of Germany invented the first printing press in the late 1400s. The Bible was the first book Gutenberg printed in1455. The first English Bible was printed by William Tyndall in the 1500s. It was illegal and banned in England, because the King didn't give his approval. Eventually Tyndall was executed for his betrayal of the king.

I was sitting looking at some simple invention the other day and wondered how the idea for some of our most used gadgets came to be. Through the years people have creatively made things to meet the need of the public. Tea bag holders, chip clips, emery boards, measuring cups, dishwashers, music stands, cup holders in cars, shoehorns, eye glasses, remote controls, shoe strings, disposable diapers and more.

The most amazing creations, to me, are God's. His creation of the beautiful landscapes around the world and the wonderful individuals that populate the earth are the most incredible creations. I believe God brought all things into existence. I thank Him for His creation.

Jesus prayed a prayer for us in John 17:24-26 MSG, noting that God loved us even before we were created.

"Father, I want those you gave me to be with me, right where I am, so they can see my glory, the splendor you gave me, having loved me long before there ever was a world. Righteous Father, the world has never known you, but I have known you, and these disciples know that you sent me on this mission. I have made your very being known to them--who you are and what you do--and continue to make it known, so that your love for me might be in them exactly as I am in them."

Thank you, Father, for creating this amazing, complicated world we live in. Help us be the best we can be, reflecting Jesus every day. Amen.

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