Monday, March 23, 2020

Lonely Places

When I get up and write these blogs, sometimes it is quiet and lonely. I appreciate the quiet when I'm writing but other times the lonely times feel lonely and sad. Are any of you facing loneliness as you find yourself alone due to COVID-19? Some call it shelter-in-place, stay at home, self isolate; call it whatever you desire, it can be lonely.

Ask my husband and he will tell you I prefer to stay home over going to a gathering of people. But there is something about not being able to do something that makes me want to do it. Well, almost. I really don't mind being isolated with my husband and son. We have been inventing activities to do and playing pool and a lot of cards. We watched church together on my computer yesterday. We have been taking turns preparing the meals. That I enjoy.

Being alone is a perfect time to pray. I've been doing a lot of praying through this time of seclusion and it always gives me a sense of calm and peace. I've been going through and praying for all the people I know who need extra prayer and I've started going through a mental list of those I know and love also. There are many people to be concerned about at this time and prayer is better than worry.

"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed," (Luke 5:16 NIV).

It is always good to follow Jesus' example. When He was teaching He was often surrounded by mobs of people trying to get close enough to hear what He was saying. Everyone wanted to be close to Him. Jesus had to make time to be alone and pray after the crowds returned home. We too, can follow Jesus' example and use this unusual time of aloneness to spend extra time with God. We gain our strength from God by spending time with Him.

If you are feeling lonely, reach out to someone and let them know. There are people who care and may be experiencing the same loneliness you feel. And use this time of quiet to pray. God is always there to listen.

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