Thursday, March 19, 2020

Persistence Pays

I've had a couple of problems or "issues" that have frustrated me lately that have resolved themselves, much to my delight! Both have dealt with technology. (Big surprise).

One day the keyboard for my desktop computer just quit working. Nothing I typed would record on the computer. My keyboard is nine years old and the 'n' key is nearly faded away. It would be no surprise if it quit working. But it was very irritating. I even got the keyboard that came with the computer, (very small and impractical) and tried to get it to work, but I didn't know how to make it connect with my Mac. So that didn't work. So for several weeks I've been using my new laptop for everything I needed to do. That was fine but I debated if I should just pack up my Mac and say goodbye.

I didn't and one day I happened to be messing with the keyboard and I found a button I hadn't touched before. It has a sun on it. It wasn't the on-off button; that is clearly marked. But the sun button evidently turns on and off the ability for my keyboard to use solar power. And my computer worked again when I pressed it!

Secondly, I bought a new external memory device for my new laptop. My old one was full and could no longer back up my data. I thought it was as simple as plugging it in to get it to work. Apparently not. I spent the next three weeks frustrated because it wouldn't let me log in and start the backup. At first I had both memory devices connected at the same time but that didn't seem to work. So I unplugged the original device and plugged in the new one. The plug wasn't the right size. I plugged it in at the computer and it fit but still it wouldn't let me connect. I tried installing the new memory device probably a dozen times and still no luck. One day I was just messing around and tried once again to install it. It worked and now it has backed up my computer's memory efficiently ever since.

I could have called the Geek Squad for help but I'm stubborn. I want to figure it out myself but I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to technology. I could have saved myself weeks of frustration but the issues resolved themselves, sort of. It took persistence and multiple attempts and good luck I guess.

It sort of reminds me of prayer. I have some prayers I've been saying for years but I've recently beefed up my prayers. I say them multiple times a day, day after day. I'm practicing persistence and perseverance in prayer.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God," (Philippians 4:6 NIV).

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