Monday, May 25, 2020

Respect and Honor

Today we honor all those who have gone before us, in battle and in peace. Those who have stood bravely in service for the protection of our Country and its freedoms, and our rights and liberties that we are so privileged to share.

Today the flags wave in the wind and boldly proclaim the United States of America. There is little more beautiful than a row of flags encircling the cemetery, reminding us of the respect and honor that is due. The white crosses that honor the many soldiers who gave their lives for each citizen of America, humble me. They are the proud and the brave we have lost on battlefields near and far.

Today is for the Veterans who served so faithfully and for the Unknown Soldiers who never returned home but gave all they had to serve their country so completely. Today we remember the times Veterans try to forget.

Today we pause and remember our loved ones who have gone "home" before us. We decorate the graves with flowers and flags and signs of honor and love. Cemeteries become multi-colored carpets of remembrance spread across the landscapes, surrounded by waving flags.

The sound of taps echos through our country, touching each heart with emotion. Twenty-four notes repeat the voice of respect and honor due from us all. May we all remember to honor the Veterans who remain with painful memories of days they experienced. Thank you all who served so selflessly.

"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves," (Romans 12:10 NIV).

Note: Today at 3 p.m. Taps Across America invites anyone with a horn to play taps with them, spreading the sound of taps across America. Listen for the sound of broken hearts respectfully honoring our beloved servants of the past.

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