Monday, July 27, 2020

Summer Secrets

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want," (Philippians 4:12 NIV).

Back when John and I first got married we had a very tight budget. Every paycheck was accounted for in bills. If anything was left over we bought groceries. Then we started counting on credit cards to get what we needed. We spent ahead of what we had and soon learned that was not a good thing to do. We realized our problem and began the long painful process of paying off all the credit cards. We soon learned to use credit cards only for what we could pay off each month. That has been our rule ever since.

I remember the year John made a lot of money at work and got a huge bonus. (Huge to us.) We were able to pay off three car loans and our house mortgage and we became debt free. That is the best feeling ever.

I know that God was with us through the entire learning process of our married life and He is still the One we turn to for wisdom and balance. God is our secret to being satisfied with our life. He blesses us with His Word when we search for answers. He loved us through the rough times and into the good times. God is so so good.

Thank you, Lord, for being our Secret to living. Without You we are lost and in need. You are our Secret for being content and we thank You and praise You. Amen.

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