Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Vocabulary 2020

Covid…Derecho…It’s been a year of stretching our vocabulary, hasn’t it? It just seems like it is all I can think about. My brain is just full of phrases and news reports and numbers, banging around in my head.

I know everyone is tired of hearing about Iowa’s derecho. It’s not in my dictionary but it must be real. It certainly felt real and left a pathway that is real. Anyone who experienced it will never forget it. And it is hard for me to stop writing about it when damage surrounds us and electricity is just coming back on for some people in Iowa.

With peeled off shingles, shattered and uprooted trees, broken fences, demolished sheds, flattened cornfields and deflated corn bins, one can easily find reasons to pray for those affected by the storm. It is a time to pray for others even if we don’t know their names. I can say prayers of comfort and relief, and praises of peace and survival.

Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me. I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest—I would flee far away and stay in the desert; I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm,”” (Psalm 55:5-8 NIV).

Lord, search me and find those words of worry and fear. Take them away with Your mighty strength and protection. Restore our trust in You, for You are the blessed, gracious One, the Almighty One we love. Amen.

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