Monday, February 7, 2022

Winter Memories

I grew up in a huge farmhouse that was heated by a coal and wood burning furnace in the basement. There were radiators in every room filled with water that heated up when the furnace produced heat. There was a coal room where we stored a load of coal and chopped wood. It was a great feeling when the coal room was full. We were ready for winter.

The radiators were wonderful when they were warm. On the first floor the radiators were knee high and perfect for sitting on. They often got too hot to sit on so blankets were often used as a cushion. Upstairs the radiators were elbow high, just right to dry clothes on or warm school clothes before wearing. My mother lived all her years without a clothes dryer. She hung things outside in the summer and hung them inside to dry in the winter.

Unfortunately you had to build a fire for there to be heat in the house and often the fire went out before morning. That meant getting up to cold rooms and cold radiators. Dad would start a fire when he got up and eventually it warmed up the radiators and then the house.

Daddy tended to overcompensate when company was coming. He would heat up the house too much and the family gathering would be toasty before long. Many times we had to prop open a door or open windows to make it bearable. Daddy was never bothered by too much heat. He was comfortable. 

God promised Noah, "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease," (Genesis 8:22 NIV). 

God promised there will be a change of seasons so we can expect winter to come to an end and spring to arrive, according to His plan. God gave us hope.

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