Monday, March 16, 2015

Granddog Lou

We're dog sitting our granddog Tallulah Lou, a miniature Boston Terrier, this week. She's got me wrapped around her little black toe and she's living a good life. Lou enjoys the farm and has enjoyed the nice weather. We take walks to the mailbox and she loves exploring. I imagine she smells all our rabbits' tracks and she is ready to go crazy wanting to follow them all.

Lou has a little whine that is almost irresistible. I don't always know what she wants but after several trips outside I figure it can't been to go potty again. Her weakness is treats; just like mine. I give her a treat after she goes outside so she wants to go outside a lot. Lou likes to be where I am, following me through the house and lying down next to me when I'm sitting down, as in typing this blog.

I know a dog is supposed to be man's best friend. What about woman's? Is a cat supposed to be woman's best friend? I wonder where that saying came from. I don't doubt that a dog is man's and woman's best friend. Dogs certainly become part of the family and are loved completely by their owners.

Our guard dog, Bella, is a dog for our sheep so we cannot pet her or relate to her like most dogs who are pets. Yet, we have a relationship with her based on years of learning about each other. She knows us and trusts us to a point or a distance away from her. She is loved even though we can't cuddle with her or show our affection toward her.

God has given us many animals on this earth to care for. I doubt if dogs were on Noah's Ark but maybe they should have been.

"Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate , and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth" (Genesis 7:2-3 NIV).

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