Monday, March 2, 2015

In Like a Lamb

It's March and the old saying goes, In Like a Lamb... Out Like a Lion. I guess March came in like a lamb in Iowa anyway. It's been mild and calm, two prerequisites for weather like a lamb, I'd say. As I write this the outdoor ewes (mamas whose babies have been weaned) are the picture of calm and peace. They are all lying in front of the shed enjoying the sunshine, chewing their cud.

March is known for its extremes, I believe. It's the time when seasons fluctuate between winter and spring with a mixture of both. Giving us hope for the season of new birth and renewal while mixed with days of gloom and cold and even the occasional girls' basketball tournament week blizzards. It's a month of basketball madness with tournaments at both the high school and college levels. There are the highs of great wins and the lows of disappointing losses.

March is the Lenten season of preparation for a holy week like no other. With Jesus we travel to the deepest depths of sorrow followed by the highest hopes of heaven. Our hearts are broken as Jesus is hung upon the cross, sinless, unbroken, devoted. Yet, to be lifted up to delight in His overcoming in Resurrection. Our Savior, our beloved, our shepherd.

"When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?' 'Yes, Lord,' he said, 'you know that I love you.' Jesus said, 'Feed my lambs.'"(John 21:15 NIV).

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