Monday, July 1, 2019

Spend Time With Jesus Today

I spent nearly 40 years dreaming of getting a college education. I felt like I was nobody without a college degree. I wanted an education behind me to prove to others I really was somebody. To find out, the only person who cared was me, and a future employer.

God is the only One who matters. What God thinks of me is what makes an eternal difference. Am I washed in the blood of Jesus Christ; is He my beloved Savior; is He in my heart and my soul? That's what matters in life and death.

I often look at nature to see the love and patience God has for His people. I admire the beauty of His Creation: His flowers and trees and bushes amaze me. I have some beautiful bordeaux-colored lilies blooming in my garden that are striking. They are loaded with blooms and the color is stunning. God touched them and made them that way. Look at the plant next to them. The tall fingers will soon sport purple tops. I'm just in awe of all that God has created and helped scientists develop.

God made each of us unique. Our voices are recognizable at a distance. Each person's shape and height is designed specifically for the individual. God loves each of us as we are.

"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus," (Acts 4:13 NIV).

I love this verse. I love that by being with Jesus, spending time in worship and prayer in the quiet of your home, we are made different. Others can see Jesus through us. The key is to spend the time with Him, loving Him, listening to Him, learning from Him.

Then His light will shine through us; just as it does in all of His Creation.

Spend time and be with Jesus today. It will change everything.

1 comment:

  1. Gloria, I appreciate your reflection today. We all need to realize this truth. To live it.
