Monday, May 16, 2022

Up From the Roots

Last summer we planted a peony root. It never looked very healthy and it never grew. This spring it has burst forth with life! It is a long way from potential blooms but it holds hope. I planted the peony because I remember my mother's beautiful row of peonies that she raised. She had iris and peonies gracing her gardens so in memory of her I wanted the same flowers in my garden. 

My mother had a huge garden. It was bordered by a row of iris and a row of peonies, a row of rhubarb and a row of red raspberries in an attempt to make her growing space smaller. After many years with the huge garden, she was tired of all the work and wanted something more manageable. I don't blame her at all. She worked the garden until she was on oxygen and was confined mostly to the house.

"For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations," (Isaiah 61:11 NIV).

Just like the peony plant begins to grow from its roots, my story started with the roots of family. The act of planting is deep in my soul; the need to grow plants will be with me as long as my days. Though I no longer am able to care for my garden, John saves the day and tenderly cares for my plants now.

May your day be filled with plants bursting forth with life! 

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