Thursday, May 9, 2024


Fifty years ago my son Brent was born and I became a mother. I was young, only 18, but I'd been around my nieces and nephews all my life. Still, to see the tiny baby I was now responsible for was an eye-opening experience. I chose to bottle feed him - probably the worst decision I ever made - but nursing wasn't a thing back then. Unless you wanted to go against the flow - not me, back then.

As I look back I believe if I had nursed Brent he would have been a much happier baby. Instead, he was colicky and cried and cried and cried. As he grew up he developed asthma and allergies. It was a rough start to motherhood. But, he was the cutest little toddler with long blonde curls.

"To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children." (Genesis 3:16 NIV).   "Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living," (Genesis 3:20 NIV).

Five years after Brent was born, his brother Brady was born. I chose to nurse him and he was a happy baby. Motherhood was an experience in contrasts for me. The boys are completely different but I love them both so much. I feel very blessed to be a mother.

John and I have both lost our mothers. We cherish our memories of those beautiful women in our lives.

Lord, I ask You to bless all of the mothers with a beautiful Mother's Day. Thank You for Your plan for families and the precious gift of our mothers. Amen.

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