Monday, June 3, 2024

From My Kitchen Window

One of my favorite things is having a window over my kitchen sink. Even with a dishwasher, I spend a considerable amount of time at the kitchen sink. I love being able to look outside. It gives me a view of God's beautiful world. It takes me into the world of nature and allows my mind to focus on God's blessings all around me.

Though the skies are gray this morning, the green of spring brightens my day and the trees and flowers lighten my soul.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end," (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV).

All these thoughts reminded me of a favorite old hymn, "God Who Touches Earth with Beauty" by Mary S. Edgar, 1925 and C. Harold Lowden, 1925. The words are a beautiful prayer for this day:

"God who touches earth with beauty, Make my heart anew; With Your Spirit recreate me, Pure and strong and true. Like Your springs and running waters Make me crystal pure, Like Your rocks of towering grandeur Make me strong and sure. Like Your dancing waves in sunlight Make me glad and free, Like the straightness of the pine trees Let me upright be. Like the arching of the heavens Lift my thoughts above, Turn my dreams to noble action, Ministries of love. God who touches earth with beauty, Make my heart anew; Keep me ever, by Your Spirit, Pure and strong and true. Amen."

May your day be filled with everything beautiful.

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