Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Personal Trainer

For the past six months I worked with a trainer once a week. A physical trainer, skilled in training the body to function at its best. I was amazed at what she knew about my body by watching my movements and struggles. She knew when my muscles were tight or when I hadn't eaten enough. She told me things about myself that I hadn't realized.

God is like that. He knows what we need even before we ask.

During my time with my trainer I became stronger. My endurance increased. My range of motion increased. My form improved. My muscle mass grew while my fat decreased. I felt better physically and mentally.

So I decided to discontinue working with a physical trainer. I know. It sounds like a bad idea, now that I put it in print. What I need to do is continue to push myself, as my trainer did, so that I can continue to make progress. But, that takes initiative and commitment on my part. It was easy to just show up for my training sessions and do what my trainer told me to do.

If only I'd be wise enough to realize I have a personal trainer in the Lord Jesus Christ. If only I would utilize His direction and guidance and goals for this person He created. If only I would listen instead of talking so much. If only I would take the time to just be with Him. If only I would study His Word more often, longer, with more focus on my Savior. If only...

[Jesus said,] "Your Father knows what you need before you even ask him," (Matthew 6:8 ESV).

All God wants is for me to 'show up' and He will take me the rest of the way. I don't even have to say a word, He knows what is on my heart and He will answer. Show up. That's it. Just show up for time with Jesus. What a brilliant idea!

Let's try it today.

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