Monday, February 17, 2020


"Give everyone what you owe him: if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law," (Romans 13:7-8 NIV).

It is tax season. It is Presidents' Day. It is time to pay property taxes. And it is always time to love one another.

The scripture above seems applicable to this season even though it was written ages ago. It is appropriate for most times and very relevant for today. Just because Valentine's Day is past it doesn't mean we shouldn't continue to show our respect and honor and love to others.

Sometimes we get so busy with day-to-day "stuff" that takes up our time, that we forget to pause and give others the respect and honor they deserve. When was the last time you honored a Serviceperson? I have a friend who has made it her mission to bring light and compassion to the Servicepersons and their spouses at the Iowa Veterans Home. She loves her job and I know they love her back. If we see a Veteran or a current Serviceperson, let's speak up and give them a lift this week.

 Kindness and thoughtfulness can never be overused. Opening a door, letting another person go first, saying excuse me, helping someone reach something on a high shelf, being patient when stuck behind, taking someone's grocery cart back or to the cart bin, picking up what someone dropped, letting someone go ahead in a line, let someone merge, ; you get the idea. Maybe you can do something for a neighbor this week, or surprise someone who is shut-in with a visit, or pay for the person behind you at the fast food line.

If we all did just one thing this week, that would be a lot of blessings making a difference in our world. Being kind has a ripple effect. Showing love and kindness is what Jesus intends for us to do, I believe.

Let's start a ripple today.

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