Monday, February 24, 2020

Summer Camp Memories

I woke up remembering church camp and I wonder how many of you had experience with summer camps. For me it was a time of learning and growing in my faith, and a huge stretch for my shy personality. Surprisingly, I was able to make friends that became pen pals for several years.

It was a big event to prepare for, especially packing for a week. Shorts and T-shirts but some sweatshirts for the cool nights and rainy days. My Bible for sure and paper and pencils and envelopes for letters home. Even though that seems silly now, it was an important task that opened my heart to my parents, perhaps more than daily conversation.

The leaders of the camp and my group counselors became special mentors for that week. The emphasis they placed on our faith and building it was powerful. It was at church camp that I truly learned about having a relationship with Jesus. Camp learning reinforced all that I had learned in Sunday school. 

The songs I learned are still precious to me, all these years later. My Chapbook is covered with preteen and teenage doodles. It is pretty beaten up after three or four years of church camp and probably five years of church youth group use. Great hymns like "This Is My Father's World," "When Morning Gilds the Skies," "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty," "For the Beauty of the Earth," "Take My Life, and Let it Be," "O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee," and "Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart" were some of the foundational messages that we sang over and over.

We also sang "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind," "Fairest Lord Jesus," "Spirit of the Living God," and short refrains like a "Round of Thanks," "Gratitude Grace," "Wesley Grace," "Dona Nobis Pacem," "Kum Ba Yah", "Let Us Break Bread Together," and fun songs like "Sarasponda" and "Green Grow the Rushes."

Summer church camp was a time of growth and I am thankful I had the opportunity to attend. I learned so much about my faith and how to express my faith. It was a blessing to me.

"Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you," (James 4:8 and 10).

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