Thursday, February 6, 2020

My Instant Access Savior

I may be the only person who still writes checks to pay bills. I know it is rather "old school", but I just haven't made the switch. Electronic checking or whatever it is called mystifies me. I know I could do it easily enough but it seems like it is putting the control in someone else's hands. Do you feel that way? How did you get past that?

What a silly topic for a blog this morning. I'm glad I can still control my prayers. That is one thing that won't get electronified. Talking to God doesn't require passwords or usernames. It doesn't take a computer or iPad, though I recently learned there is an app to help notify you of prayers throughout the day. That's pretty cool, but it isn't required. I'm glad I can just stop whatever I'm doing and talk to God from my heart. I know that He hears me. He gives me instant access.

"Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayers," (Psalm 4:1 NIV).

Throughout the day there are things I need to talk to God about and I do. He is my friend, with a listening ear. He is my bouncing wall where I can go to Him with ideas that may not be good and He will let me know that. He is my comforter, my disciplining parent, my gracious Lord, filled with compassion and love.

I'm glad God is always there for me in times of trouble and ordinary days with dilemmas and puzzles of life. I may not sign up for electronic checking but my automatic Savior is always there for me. He gave His life for me and I'm so grateful!

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