Monday, April 13, 2020

Jesus Is Risen!

I remember when I first realized that Jesus was alive for longer than Resurrection Day. It was a huge amazement to me that Jesus walked on this Earth for weeks after He was risen from the dead. Somehow I missed that growing up and didn't understand it until later in my faith journey. What a powerful truth to cling to!

We are so blessed to have a Savior who loved us so much that He died for us and rose again. He returned to teach the disciples even more, and to strengthen their faith. He did not leave them wondering and confused. What a Savior!

It is an amazing reality to understand that Jesus walked with the disciples for weeks after His resurrection. Oh, to have been with them, listening, watching and learning. To finally realize the truth of all He spoke, to see with your own eyes and touch with your own hands, Jesus, Our Risen Savior.

One beautiful hymn from my past is, "I Serve A Risen Savior" (Alfred H. Ackley, 1933) and it is so appropriate to sing today and any day:

"I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today; I know that He is living, whatever men may say; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer, And just the time I need Him He's always near. He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart."

John, the apostle, wrote this toward the conclusion of his book on the life of Jesus,

"Then Jesus told him (Thomas), "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that believing you may have life in his name," (John 20:29-31 NIV).

May we be the ones to believe and to allow Jesus to live within our hearts until He comes again. Amen.

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