Monday, May 2, 2022


Ah, sleep! It is great when you can get it. Frustrating when you can't get to sleep. Infuriating when you can't get back to sleep.Wonderful when you can take a nap. Sleep can be demanding if you need it badly. It seems best right before the alarm goes off. Restless sleep can be exhausting.

John and I sleep very differently. He sleeps restlessly, an hour or two at a time. He still has "nightmares" of his work days while he sleeps and wakes up just in time to avoid a work disaster. He gets up and wanders the house looking for a good place to fall asleep when he can't sleep in bed. The basement sofa is good for sleeping, ask any of our kids or grandkids. John uses it often through the night.

I sleep soundly, according to John I'd sleep through anything. Which may be true for sometime during our marriage but lately I've been waking up every hour or two checking the clock then going back to sleep once I see if John is in bed or up. I have trouble getting comfortable and must reposition myself each time I wake up because something hurts. I sleep so soundly because I am highly medicated at night. Usually I can get right to sleep when I go to bed.

I know many people struggle with sleep. Some wake early, too early, in the morning and can't get back to sleep.The scripture in Psalm 4 is all about how we can have confidence that God will answer our pleas for help. And when He does, it gives us peace to rest in God's protection.

"I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety," (Psalm 4:8 NIV).

Try reading Psalm 4 before going to sleep and accept God's promise of providing protection and peace. May it help you go to sleep and stay asleep. Sweet dreams.

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