Monday, June 13, 2022

Always With You

When our youngest son was about 11 years old we moved from the country to town, away from being neighbors to my parents. We decided to get him a kitten to help him with the loss of the farm life. The gray and white kitten was adorable and they quickly became best friends. I have photo albums full of pictures of them together. He was responsible for feeding Allie. Allie soon became a member of the family.

Allie was a compassionate cat. He could always sense when our mood was such that we needed some loving and he would hop up on our lap and make himself comfortable. His long hair was always needing petting. There was something about his warmth on our laps that was comforting. There was love going both ways. Allie was always there when we needed him.

That's the way with God, too. He is always there whenever we need Him.

"Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age," (Matthew 28:20b NIV).

Allie favorite place to hide was on top of our kitchen cupboards. Allie liked high places. He never had trouble jumping to the high spots without disturbing anything that was up there. But he could give you a start when you walked by unsuspecting.

May your days be filled with high places of love. May you always know that God is there for you.

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