Monday, September 30, 2024

September Goodbye

Goodbye September! It seems like you just got here and now you are leaving. I know this feeling is part of growing older. Time flies by faster and faster the older I get. 

Lord God, fill me with Your Holy Spirit today, that I can be a beacon of Your love to others. Speak to me what I should do and say. Guide me with Your loving, caring hand. Show me Your Word for this last day of September, for I am in the September of my life. I love You and praise You for all You do for me. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to save me and to teach me the Way. Amen.

"For God's Word is solid to the core; everything he makes is sound inside and out. He loves it when everything fits, when his world is in plumb-line true. Earth is drenched in God's affectionate satisfaction. The skies were made by God's command; he breathed the word and the stars popped out. He scooped Sea into his jug, put Ocean in his keg. Earth-creatures, bow before God; world-dwellers--down on your knees!" (Psalm 33:4-8 MSG).

God bless you in all you do today.

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